Saturday, December 18, 2004

Weird Arousals on the Westen Front

What I intended as a challenge to Buffalo Wings & Vodka of UT at Austin Law School has turned more on Prof. Crim Law's teaching methods. Well without further ado, here are some of his more memorable quotes.

“It’s not ok to kill someone if you know they’re going to slap you…or fondle you. You just have to put up with it.”

“I like cases because of their facts.” (talking about Regina v. Kingston, child molestation while drugged)

“That’s why women go to fraternity parties and fraternities give them free beer, they want their inhibitions released.”

“You read in folklore about the independent life that shadows have…it’s very provocative and stimulating…and SCARY.”

"I’m gonna be provocative now. "

“It’s just like what the fuck, I don’t like the way his hair looks.”

“Guys walk by a window and see someone undressing…they stop and look.”

“Think about this because I’m going to call on you to talk about your last sexual encounter. Oh Fuck, I’m not going to do that?”

“Well fuck you get out of here bitch.”

“Would she need battered women’s syndrome then?”


“NO, you’re right. I mean, you’re right, NO.”

“It’s akin to what the Mass. Supreme Court did with gay marriage. Things were going along…there was Will and Grace.”

“Would He have punished Adam and Eve if it had been a sting? It wasn’t really an apple it just looked like one.”

“Guy tries to smuggle Turkish anise.”

[I'd like to add that I'm really glad Heidi has validated myself and Ann who have always maintained that he's actually quite an excellent teacher of criminal law]



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