Sunday, September 11, 2005

Fantasy OCIP

Sometime last week I got the idea of creating an "enemies list" of people who'd be interviewing with the same firms as me. That is, if we had two or more interviews in common then you went on the list. Looking at the list, I think I would draft each of those people if we were to have a Fantasy OCIP league.



Blogger Tom Fletcher said...

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9/12/2005 8:22 PM  
Blogger Tom Fletcher said...

Ooh! Ooh!

I want Martin White batting designated callback, I want Smith at first resume, AR Hipster at second resume, and Jordan Hinkes at third resume. Armen and Jesse I put out at left and right fallback. I think I have to put Petey Colosi aka "The Stallion" on the mound and Riley at "interview catcher."

Of course, my first-round pick, Josh the Wonder Smile Benson had to go and end up on the DL. That really hurt me in this draft. My third round pick fell through. The much hyped midwestern farmboy SJ Pahlke pulled a Ricky Williams and "opted out."

How am I going to salvage this OCIP draft?

9/12/2005 10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could people post when they get callbacks so we'll all know which firms have made that decision? I'm sure it would be much appreciated.

9/16/2005 10:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could people post when they get callbacks so we'll all know which firms have made that decision? I'm sure it would be much appreciated.

9/16/2005 10:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where are the women in Tom's OCIP draft?

9/21/2005 11:46 AM  
Blogger Armen Adzhemyan said...

Well you have one fielding first resume. The others are in their proper role of polishing the men's bats. You don't think Cravath is where it is because some maternity leave seeking hotshot was batting 4th, do you?

9/21/2005 12:20 PM  

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