Saturday, April 29, 2006

Quotent Quotables 2

This semester I was fortunate enough to have had Civ Pro II and Evidence with two great Boalt profs. You all know who they are. So without further ado, here are some classroom quotes from each.

Prof. Evidence

“My mind reading is kind of off today.”

“You don’t check your e-mail at 10 o’clock at night?”

“So it’s kinda like having an appendix?”

“I thought cocaine was a soft drug.”

“People don’t even drink gin martini anymore.”

“It’s obvious? That’s not going to do it [as an answer].”

“But he’s not the bookie!!!”

“Finally there is the interest of justice. This is like a combination of cherry pie and motherhood. Who can really be against the interest of justice? You can always throw it in.”

“After Monday I will not be holding office hours. I will be umm blowing town.”

“Can you imagine having this conversation the first week of class? This analytic thinking about evidence?” Various students: “or now for that matter.”

Prof. Civ Pro II

“I don’t like me in the hypo, makes me too anxious.”

“A big chunk of Delaware’s self-respect is vested in hosting corporations.”

“Someone else has taken a fancy to that horse.”

“Don’t fight the hypothetical.”

“Think about Brad and Jennifer. I often do.”

“He mentions tradition….TWENTY TIMES! I counted last night.”

“This is like those western gun slinging movies where both guys draw their guns, both shoot each other, fatally.”

*Screen rolling up* “I wish there was something behind it, it would be so much more dramatic.”

“Let me say a word today about my Valentine, Robert H. Jackson.”

“'No such number, no such zone.' Ok I got it out of my system.”

“Arbitration is a bit of Jewish law. Of course they know how to judge diamonds.”

“Get ready on call people.”

“That noted bastion of anti-trust enforcement…the Swiss Federation.”

“Assume that Defendant has a huge ranch in State B where he invites people for quail hunting. Stop. Stop that.”

“In Kansas, where everyone recovers interest, and the interest is as high as the elephant’s eye.”

“If I and Jet Li are in Hong Kong and get into an altercation and I get injured, which is quite likely….”

Student: “But that’s not what you’re looking for.”
Prof: “It’s a start.”

Student: “Can you say that again? Pendant is hanging what?”
Prof: “I’m hanging myself.”

Prof: “Should there be jurisdiction in this case?”
Student: “Yes.”
Prof: “The Supreme Court said no.”

“No questions? I guess you’re temporarily stunned.”

“The three law professors…HA HA HA.”

“There are lots of class actions, such as the Milli Vanilli fraud suits. But no one had any damages more than the cost of one CD, unless they were really big fans.”

“That’s all I have to say about removal, except one last thing.”

“We’re at the end of the hour and it wouldn’t be fair to keep you any longer in torment.”

“It’s not fair to hold you over for the beginning of spring break. Or ever for that matter.”

“The state is a strict SOL [Statute of Limitations].”
Class: *laugh*
“I’m not getting the joke…oh…now I got it. Kinda appropriate huh?”

“You’ll see in the next case we look at it has very strong Byrd-like features.”



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think Bundy exactly said “Arbitration is a bit of Jewish law. Of course they know how to judge diamonds.”

The first sentence makes no sense on any level. That indicates your notes are suspect because Bundy wouldn't have said something so nonsensical as "Arbitration is a bit of Jewish law." He was making a larger point about how different normative communities can apply their unique laws to resolve their disputes in the context of arbitration.

The second sentence is probably your own narrative spin in your notes, not Bundy's words.

He didn't say "Of course [Jews] know how to judge diamonds." Your narrative spin in your notes would be a bit disturbing, if people didn't know you better. I am not Jewish, but I am wary of potentially offensive statements concerning any group. If Bundy had said exactly what you wrote without much more context, the roof would likley have fallen at Boalt. Or at least it should have.

Bundy said, in some instances of business disputes in the New York Jewish community of diamond sellers, "Arbitrators apply a mix of Jewish law, ordinary wisdom," and relevant legal doctrine, "allowing you to create your own normative community" of laws, referencing the work of Lisa Bernstein cited in the handout.

Check before you post, or take better notes.

4/29/2006 5:24 PM  
Blogger La Mitotera said...

At the risk of incurring your wrath Armen, are you sure you didn’t want the OP to put something where the sun doesn’t shine vs. taking it out? Taking it out is just gross and a real punishment to the rest of us.

4/29/2006 8:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to see I'm not the only one who copies down quotes that sound funny out of context.

I have a bunch of good ones from Estates and Trusts. That Zamperini is funny.

4/30/2006 1:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Anonymous 4/30/2006 1:42 PM could publish Zamperini's quotes somewhere, I'd be infinitely appreciative; that guy cracks me up.

5/04/2006 11:00 PM  

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