Wednesday, November 08, 2006

A Mitzvah for the Bar

Yay Democrats! But anyway...

I was talking to some 3L friends last week when someone brought up the Bar, asking how and when we register. Collectively, we knew as much about taking the Bar as Rumsfeld did about conducting a war. i.e., no one has any idea what needs to be done, when it needs to be done by, or how to do it. Apparently the MPRE happened last week—I just might have taken it, had I known anything about it.

Last year, I watched my 3L friends go through the same thing. (BTW—they find out results on Friday, Nov. 17th, if you have friends/family that took the test). bar/bri, moral character, the exam itself—the whole process created mass confusion. The exam is stressful enough—the registration process shouldn’t be. So I want to do 2 things here: first, post as much relevant info as I have; and second, make a suggestion for avoiding this confusion in the future.

1. Dates and Deadlines

A word of warning: I’m getting this info from alums who took the test this past Summer. I’m not guaranteeing that everything you need is here, so don’t assume you’re all set if you’ve done everything on this list. If I have missed anything, please mention it in the Comments, and I’ll add it to this post.

  1. Register with the California Bar. Many of you did this 1L year. This is registering with the actual organization, and it will cost you $144.
  2. Register for the MPRE. The next exam is in March, and you can begin registering in January (I think). Go through the CA Bar website, or go to There is a fee for this.
  3. Register for bar/bri. The earlier you get this done, the better. I believe you can put a deposit of $175 down now, rather than the full cost. This allows you to take the MPRE class. Unfortunately, you cannot guarantee your class site and time for the summer Bar course until you pay the entire fee. It is possible to bill your firm directly, if a firm is covering it.
  4. Register for the Bar Exam. Sounds obvious, but a certain alum will tell you it’s not. This has a fee of approximately $500, and can be done at the CA Bar website.
  5. Moral Character forms. The sooner you do these, the better, because they take a long time to fill out, and then it can take six months for them to be approved. You cannot be certified until they are officially approved. If you have any type of criminal or academic problems in your past, these forms take an especially long time. The forms are available on the CA Bar website. You need to get a fingerprint scan too—this can be done at the UPS store on Telegraph.

2. The Bar Czar

A lot of the confusion seems to stem from the fact that there is no central repository of information. While there are announcements in the BBB, no 3L actually reads the BBB, and if we do, it’s only to see if we can get some free lunch—we never make it to the back pages. Even if we do read the BBB, there’s lots of other inconsistent info out there regarding the Bar. Last year bar/bri seemed to have different answers every time you called, and it caused lots of unnecessary stress. Heck, they handed out books on only one day, yet failed to inform most students when that day was.

So here’s my suggestion—appoint a Bar Czar. This can just be the 3L BHSA rep, or it can be some kind of appointed position. All the Bar Czar needs to do is find out every relevant date, deadline, fee, etc. for everything related to the Bar. The Czar would also talk to bar/bri at the beginning of the year and get all the info (do we need gold cards? when are books handed out? how do we direct bill?), so that there’s less need for individual students to contact bar/bri directly.

Then put all this info in a handy chart, and email it to 3Ls at the beginning of the year. Then, in the weeks leading up to any important deadlines, send a couple emails to 3Ls (in addition to BBB announcements) reminding us what we need to do.

Taking the Bar really, really sucks. But with a little bit more organization and information, it can merely suck.



Blogger Carl said...

I dig the Bar Czar idea. What do you think the Thursday night duties would include?

My own experience was with the MPRE: I signed up in sprint last year, then missed it because I didn't know how to study (I didn't pledge BarBri). It seems like the type of test you don't want to fail. This last weekend I missed it for forgetting to sign up. The Bar Czar would have helped both of my experiences.

A related thought, we got "Class of 2007 Pledge Drive" emails today. Wouldn't it be simpler if we just piggy backed on BarBri's anti-trust practices and upped the deposit by $5, directing that money to Boalt? We'd have 100% participation in no time.

11/08/2006 11:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The 1Ls are very bored by your posts right now. You need to get some of them on board or step it up yourself. You have a reputation to uphold.

-anon 1Ls

11/09/2006 12:00 AM  
Blogger Armen Adzhemyan said...

The 1Ls need to wrap their feeble little brains around Westen's frowning eyebrows and register with the California Bar Association. More seriously, the 1Ls need to learn how to Bluebook. Jesus H. Christ, why the fuck am I falling behind on my Daily Show and Colbert Report viewing doses to correct the Bluebooking of 1Ls?

This one was a true gem: "I tried my best to find a rule for 159 but couldn't. It's a paper presented at the international trade and dispute settlement but I couldn't find any rule that can be applied here. Sorry. ;)"

Rule 17.1.5 kid. So if you guys are really bored, I suggest going back to the Bluebook. In the meantime, Max Power has written one of the most useful posts. And this time there is no reason for students to whine and call for administrative action. We can just do this on our own through the BHSA. Just ask a certain alumn.

11/09/2006 12:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One complication with the bar doesn't set its dates and deadlines at the beginning of the semester. Instead, the dates/times/deadlines are usually set about a month before they happen. Although there's a general monthly trend to these dates, no czar could compile these dates at the beginning of the year.

11/09/2006 6:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also if you sign up for Barbri your 1L year, you lock in a lower price. I know, I know, who has that kind of money lying around, but hey, if you do, it's worth it.

Also, there's no reason that you cannot take the MPRE after you take Professional Responsibility as a 2L (if you take it then).

11/09/2006 8:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great thread, Armen. Why does the school hang us out to dry on this? It's not like we're incapable, but there's efficiency to be gained by having just one person gain the expertise and tell the rest of us what to do. Plus, they can carry on the knowledge from year to year.

As an aside, in response to the complaint above about the blog, I'd like to offer a compliment that this thread in particular made me think of. To me, this blog has taken a role in my life a lot like the Daily Show. Both remind you that, no matter how frustratingly opaque the people in charge may be, there are sane people in the world.

11/09/2006 3:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the 1L above does not speak for all of us. I, for one, am glad to have (what i assume will be) a living resource to refer back to. I'm also happy to learn in advance that (surprise, surprise) this school is NOT helpful in navigating adminstrative bull, even if said bull helps the school in the end (they want us to pass) . . .

11/09/2006 3:22 PM  
Blogger Armen Adzhemyan said...

My brother puked off the side of Barrows after chugging gin at the end of the night, couple of people had alcohol poisoning, and the UCPD threw its weight around to clear the rowdy law students out. But I don't want to detract from Max Power's thoughtful remarks.

11/09/2006 4:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why does the CA bar want us 1Ls to register now? I know the answer is they want our money and to start tracking us as soon as possible. But REALLY, do we have to do this? Or can I just wait until my 3L year when I'm going to care about the bar again?

11/09/2006 9:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes you have to do it. Why the hell are this year’s 1Ls so whiney?

11/09/2006 10:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you do not have to register for the california bar. your instinct is correct--it is a predatory tax on law students. if you know that you will definitely take the bar in california, you might as well register. registration as a 1L simply means that you pay less than a 3L registering for the first time. if there's a chance that you might take the bar elsewhere, you might not want to register because if you do and then sit for the bar elsewhere, you lose your CA registration fee.

11/09/2006 11:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I Barat. I take bar in your country, so I can have sexy legal time in California with other Boalties. Also, Barat is very fit for your California purity test.

11/10/2006 12:59 AM  
Blogger Armen Adzhemyan said...

In the interest of fairness, I'm going to violate one of my Rules of Engagement and signle out someone by name. Jeremy Brown, 1L citechecker extraordinaire.

I'm going to quote one of his bluebook edits: 41. The current citation doesn’t quite conform to Bluebook rules. I’m not positive how this citation should look – the electronic citations section doesn’t offer a perfect example - but after looking over R18 for a while, my best guess is: Press Release, Oxfam, U.S. Farm Subsides Offer ‘Smoke and Mirrors” (Oct. 10, 2005), [Note: I’ve also added Press Release to the front of the citation, in keeping with Rule 17.1.3. [The Author] hadn’t previously identified the document as a press release but that’s what Oxfam labels it on the website.]

I really can't say anything to add to that. If any 1Ls are reading, this kind of work for a journal in your first year is the fast track to an EICship. So anyway, if Jeremy is reading, I hope he runs for a Board position next year with BJIL. And if any firms want to hire him this summer...HE DOES GREAT WORK!!!

11/10/2006 12:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I BARat also give great hand clap to Jeremy the Brown. He nice! Men like Jeremy are reason why BARat wishes to register in the US and A for California BAR, which is true subject of the droppings on this commenting thread.

11/10/2006 5:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1L here...Just wanting everyone to know that the vast majority of 1Ls are normal and don't expect every post on this blog to be about us. I am very grateful for all the useful info on this site, so please disregard comments from the random selfish 1Ls who apparently forgot that we only comprise 1/3 of this school. Thanks to the 2Ls and 3Ls for all the help so far and please know that 99% of us are not like the other posters above.

11/10/2006 11:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Agreed. This blog is a great service.

And, 10:27, why are you such a bitch?

11/11/2006 10:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can anyone talk about the NY bar, including Barbri registration, bar exam, MPRE and the Moral Character thing?

11/16/2006 11:46 PM  

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