Har Dee F*%@* Har Har
The NY Times has this article on how the muffin joke is not funny. Professor Jack Balkin has a vigorous defense of the joke. I personally think the joke is a killer. I mean it's gold. But the study itself doesn't really pass the "Grandmother Test." A psych TA explained to me in a research course that the "Grandmother Test" is whether your grandmother could answer the research question that you are trying to explore. I mean well yeah, of course we're going to laugh harder in social settings than when we're alone. I personally RARELY laugh when I'm reading something, esp. IM conversations. That's why I have a sliding scale to indicate level of laughter. For example, lol = mildly amusing; LOL = oh hey that's kind of funny, I think I smiled; LMAO = Good one, I actually chuckled; LMFAO/ROTFL = You're a comic genius, I'm actually laughing while sitting in class.
This is really all just a long way of linking to these two videos. Part I and part II. If you have good one or two liners, feel free to post.
UPDATE: Jonathan Adler and Sasha Volokh of the VC are with me. The joke's A material. Incidentally, in the initial post Balkin referred to one of my favorite movies, "Dr. Strangelove" and now he refers to one of my favorite comic strips, the Far Side. It's really unfortunate you can't find them easily online.
This is really all just a long way of linking to these two videos. Part I and part II. If you have good one or two liners, feel free to post.
UPDATE: Jonathan Adler and Sasha Volokh of the VC are with me. The joke's A material. Incidentally, in the initial post Balkin referred to one of my favorite movies, "Dr. Strangelove" and now he refers to one of my favorite comic strips, the Far Side. It's really unfortunate you can't find them easily online.
Muffin Joke = funny. So do these:
Q: What do you say to a two-headed dragon?
A: Hello, hello.
Two penguins are standing on an ice floe. One penguin looks at the other and says, "It looks like you're wearing a tuxedo." The other penguin replies, "What makes you think I'm not?"
Two penguins are sitting in a bathtub. One penguin says to the other, "Pass the soap." The other penguin replies, "What do I look like a typewriter?"
Two pretzels are walking down the street and one was assaulted.
All genius.
i was once told a joke involving three bulls. i wish i could remember it. it sure was hilarious.
Having just now read the NYT article on the muffin joke, DS agrees with it, well the part about laughing to get along, anyway.
For instance, have you ever noticed that at a public speaking event like a wedding (where the best man is tapped to give a speech), the jokes are rarely funny. All you really have to do is say something that is mildly amusing such as, "It's a good thing the two of them got married now. [The bride] is beginning to show." It's for reasons like this DS isn't that worried about his upcoming best-man speech.
Any funny wedding zingers should be put into N&B comment form in this thread.
"True love is hard to find, sometimes you think you have true love and then you catch the early flight home from San Diego and a couple of nude people jump out of your bathroom blindfolded like a goddamn magic show ready to double team your girlfriend... "
I would agree that humor and laughter are sometimes about getting along or a response to nervousness. But I definitely laugh out loud while watching Seinfeld re-runs alone, when I do something stupid in the privacy of my own apartment, or if I watch something funny on YouTube.
So a cop walks into a bar and says, "Hey, do you nine guys at the bar mind if I frisk you each for drugs?"
Oh, wait. I'm mixing up my CrimPro reading . . .
i never heard of the "muffin joke" before, certainly not enough to care about it's demise.
whoa whoa. YOU like Strangelove And The Far Side too??
it's like, we're meant to be together
I've watched Dr. Strangelove too many times, and I own a Far Side Calendar (it was a gift).
Dude what the hell is this joke i dont even get it its the stupidest thing ive ever heard.
(Two penguins are standing on an ice floe. One penguin looks at the other and says, "It looks like you're wearing a tuxedo." The other penguin replies, "What makes you think I'm not?")
Two penguins are sitting in a bathtub. One penguin says to the other, "Pass the soap." The other penguin replies, "What do I look like a typewriter?"
What the hell is this joke i dont even get it its the stupid thing ive ever heard
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