Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Original Meaning

I'm going to regret writing this post, but I just can't stand it any longer. There's been a lot of hooplah about HLS's student government circulating a survey about naming their small sections instead of using numbers. See, e.g., here and here.

This sounded very familiar to me. Lo and behold, I had the idea some two and a half years ago.

In my e-mail the Yahoo Groups Listserv, I also remarked, "P.S. I hate this numerical bull shit. I want the mods to have the Purple Monkey Dishwashers or Kwijibo (these are Simpsons references, so don't think I'm crazy...yet)."

Well one of the respondents remarked:

"Hopefully Mod 1 is doing a bit better in the numbers game now. Because that's all law school is: numbers. LSAT, which mod has the most replies, class rank, how many beers you can drink without appearing drunk, competition over starting salary, rank of law firm, how many hours you work, number of divorces, etc. Actually, it's all the bad parts of law school that are about numbers. Ok, now I support your idea of giving all of the modules real names. I'll try to think of one for what will soon be the mod formerly known as mod 1 and recommend it in class."

Man, I was one brilliant 1L.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least you wanted to name them after Simpson's characters rather that a bunch of douche donors, dead guys, or deranged D-list Federalists.

3/07/2007 11:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who will the keynote (non-faculty) speaker be at commencement 2007 this May? Law schools located in the middle of nowhere with reputations far less stellar than our school's seem to snag S. Ct. justices and an assortment of cool people. How about us? Does anyone know who the keynote speaker willl be?

3/08/2007 12:19 AM  
Blogger Armen Adzhemyan said...

Nothing is final yet. I will post an update when there is something final.

3/08/2007 12:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, Boalt should get accomplished and interesting keynote commencement speakers. And it would be nice if they were famous too (you know, a little fame excites the relatives). I was a bit put off earlier this academic year when one of the Boalt student council leaders asked for input about keynote speakers and told the class, in so many words, to be "realistic" about our expectations of getting speakers of a certain caliber or fame. Why did we need to be "realistic" about getting a top-flight speaker nine or ten months ago? At the start of the school year, we ought to have set our sights high, not low. Anyway, I've heard other law schools announce SCOTUS justices as commencement day speakers over the past week, so it's likely that we still have a shot at some high-profile, interesting speakers.

3/08/2007 12:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can I play that numbers game?! 167, 9, 1, 5, 145, 5, 4-5 a day, 1 going on 2 in the family.

3/08/2007 1:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I like the idea of a Supreme Court justice speaking at our graduation. I wonder what Justice Breyer is doing on May 12. And, if we can't get him as a speaker, perhaps his brother, Charles, a district court judge in NoCal and a Boalt alum might be willing to speak.

3/08/2007 2:13 AM  

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