Join an Inn of Court!
The Earl Warren American Inn of Court is looking for seven good Boalties (rising 3Ls or 2Ls) to be Inn members for next school year. You will meet monthly in the evening at 6:00-9:00 pm on the third Wednesday of each month in downtown Oakland. The annual fee is very modest, about $150, which covers the seven or so restaurant meals. For one month during the year, your team will put on a presenation, which means you will put in about 12 hours in preparation. (At the EWAIC, the presenations are a little theatrical, so have some willingness to play a part in a short skit.) Otherwise, you will simply attend presentations, meet and greet judges and lawyers, and enjoy a nice meal. Attendance is important, so if you join, you are making a commitment to show up. Unfortunately, the Inn has given us a shorter fuse than usual, so please contact John Steele at john-dot-steele-at-fr-dot-com, if you are interested. It's a great way to get out there in the legal community as a 3L.
The Earl Warren American Inn of Court is looking for seven good Boalties (rising 3Ls or 2Ls) to be Inn members for next school year. You will meet monthly in the evening at 6:00-9:00 pm on the third Wednesday of each month in downtown Oakland. The annual fee is very modest, about $150, which covers the seven or so restaurant meals. For one month during the year, your team will put on a presenation, which means you will put in about 12 hours in preparation. (At the EWAIC, the presenations are a little theatrical, so have some willingness to play a part in a short skit.) Otherwise, you will simply attend presentations, meet and greet judges and lawyers, and enjoy a nice meal. Attendance is important, so if you join, you are making a commitment to show up. Unfortunately, the Inn has given us a shorter fuse than usual, so please contact John Steele at john-dot-steele-at-fr-dot-com, if you are interested. It's a great way to get out there in the legal community as a 3L.
Armen, this would be more helpful if you gave us some idea--even an inkling--about what the fuck this is about. My best textual reading says it's about "theatrical presentations" to "judges and lawyers." Um, OK. What the fuck are you talking about?
Are you really that dense? It's a networking opportunity for law students. They get to interact with judges and lawyers and develop social connections and skills -- something you could use, judging by your language.
It really looks like you didn't take their medicine today. It's not like Armen runs the damn program. If you've got a question about it, e-mail John Steele and ask him. Unless you don't have the balls to be that rude when you're not anonymous...
My apologies for not being clearer, Anon 3:15. Let me quote from the American Inn of Court website:
American Inns of Court (AIC) are designed to improve the skills, professionalism and ethics of the bench and bar. An American Inn of Court is an amalgam of judges, lawyers, and in some cases, law professors and law students. Each Inn meets approximately once a month both to "break bread" and to hold programs and discussions on matters of ethics, skills and professionalism.
Looking for a new way to help lawyers and judges rise to higher levels of excellence, professionalism, and ethical awareness, the American Inns of Court adopted the traditional English model of legal apprenticeship and modified it to fit the particular needs of the American legal system. American Inns of Court help lawyers to become more effective advocates and counselors with a keener ethical awareness. Members learn side-by-side with the most experienced judges and attorneys in their community.
An American Inn of Court is not a fraternal order, a social club, a course in continuing legal education, a lecture series, an apprenticeship system, or an adjunct of a law school’s program. While an AIC partakes of some of each of these concepts, it is quite different in aim, scope, and effect.
American Inns of Court actively involve more than 20,000 state, federal and administrative law judges, attorneys, legal scholars and law students. Membership is composed of the following categories: Masters of the Bench—judges, experienced lawyers, and law professors; Barristers—lawyers with some experience who do not meet the minimum requirements for Masters; Associates—lawyers who do not meet the minimum requirement for Barristers; and Pupils—law students. The suggested number of active members in an Inn is around 80.
Most Inns concentrate on issues surrounding civil and criminal litigation practice, and include attorneys from a number of specialties. However, there are several Inns that specialize in criminal practice, federal litigation, tax law, administrative law, white-collar crime, bankruptcy, intellectual property, family law, or employment and labor law.
The membership is divided into “pupillage teams,” with each team consisting of a few members from each membership category. Each pupillage team conducts one program for the Inn each year. Pupillage team members get together informally outside of monthly Inn meetings in groups of two or more. This allows the less-experienced attorneys to become more effective advocates and counselors by learning from the more-experienced attorneys and judges. In addition, each less-experienced member is assigned to a more-experienced attorney or judge who acts as a mentor and encourages conversations about the practice of law.
The highest use of these slots would be a future litigator in the Bay Area, but we are not limiting the slots to those Boalt students. There are a fair number of prosecutors and defenders at the Earl Warren Inn, and given its Oakland location, the attendence is heavily East Bay lawyers and judges. It's close to Boalt, and it's an award-winning Inn known for its camaraderie and high quality presentations.
DUDE: What's the point of--we all know who was at fault, so what the fuck are you talking about?
WALTER: Huh? No! What the fuck are you talking--I'm not--we're talking about unchecked aggression here--
DONNY: What the fuck is he talking about?
Anyway, if you bothered to read the comments to the previous thread you'd see that this is a message that John Steele wanted me to post on the main page of the blog. Enough context for you?
Damn, getting my Big Lebowski quote right cost me priority!!
I also see that the original post had a bit of ambiguity about who is eligible. To be clear: both rising 2Ls and 3Ls can ask for the slots. If we have more volunteers than slots, we'll figure out something reasonable.
I was a member of the EWAIC this past year and I really enjoyed it.
The meals were great, and it was nice to have an opportunity to meet some local lawyers. Lots of DA/PDs, members of small local firms, and judges. There are a couple of members of big firms, but they are not as prominently represented - so I wouldn't count on this as your backdoor into MoFo. The members are generally an interesting bunch, and very excited to talk to law students. As I think Prof. Steele said, it is an especially good opportunity for someone who intends to practice here in the East Bay, but that shouldn't discourage anyone who is heading elsewhere, or knows they don't like litigation.
It was a good deal of work getting my group's presentation together, overall I would say I spent about 20 hours talking and practicing together, and maybe another 2 or 3 doing stuff on my own (writing, etc.) for the group.
I'm happy to answer any questions about my experience.
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