Rocky VII: Delgadillo's Revenge
I'm writing this while a guy who sounds like the Moviefone guy is lecturing on Corps in Bar/Bri. With that caveat in mind, I want to point to this story from the LA Times about LA City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo's wife, Michelle. In 1998, our dear Michelle failed to appear at a Santa Monica court for driving without a license, registration, or insurance. In 2004, she wrecked a city-owned Yukon.
To refresh your memory, Delgadillo is the City Attorney who furiously charged into court to ask that Paris Hilton be sent back to jail after the Sheriff released her to home confinement. We still don't know why he didn't charge into Parker Center to ask Chief Bratton why his officers let his wife go when they pulled her over for a traffic violation while she was driving with a suspended license. This column by Steve Lopez is on point. (I <3 Steve Lopez).
It's a bit comical and ironical. But this is just a long line of instances of corruption and utter abuse of the public trust at LA City Hall. I hate LA politics.
UPDATE: A commenter below, writes: "Armen. It's not ironic. Irony occurs when there's an incongruity between what is expected and what actually happens." Today we get news that the State Bar and others are now investigating Delgadillo. I stand corrected. It is, in fact, not ironic.
To refresh your memory, Delgadillo is the City Attorney who furiously charged into court to ask that Paris Hilton be sent back to jail after the Sheriff released her to home confinement. We still don't know why he didn't charge into Parker Center to ask Chief Bratton why his officers let his wife go when they pulled her over for a traffic violation while she was driving with a suspended license. This column by Steve Lopez is on point. (I <3 Steve Lopez).
It's a bit comical and ironical. But this is just a long line of instances of corruption and utter abuse of the public trust at LA City Hall. I hate LA politics.
UPDATE: A commenter below, writes: "Armen. It's not ironic. Irony occurs when there's an incongruity between what is expected and what actually happens." Today we get news that the State Bar and others are now investigating Delgadillo. I stand corrected. It is, in fact, not ironic.
"Why don't you just tell me the movie you want"
Does anyone know when selection/notification for Order of the Coif happens? Has it already happened, or does it have to wait on the pleasure of the Registrar's office?
Wow, this story is really old news. You are studying too much for the bar Armen.
More importantly, will rising 3Ls ever find out their class rank? Clerkship apps are due soon.
Order of the Coif must depend on all the grades being submitted, and it sounds like there are a few still outstanding. Same with class rank for rising 3L's.
You only get your class rank if you ask for it, correct? It's not like I'll get an email one day saying "you're in [blank]% of the class", right?
Correct 9:14. But I have to add, if I were a 2L, I'd be kicking and hollering. Getting clerkship materials together takes a lot of time, and having no clue about class rank makes it much harder. Given the current rate, and how long it took to get class rank last time, I wouldn't expect anything for another few weeks. & that ain't great service.
Unfortunately Tom, we're fairly powerless. The registrar gets snippy when we ask to borrow a pen, let alone for our grades or class rank. The academic rules even lay out fairly clearly that class rank should have been calculated LAST semester, but they obviously ignored that.
i am confused about this guy's name. if he's rocky delgadillo, who's rocky delgado? is there a rocky delgado? what is going on?
I am confused, too.
Armen. It's not ironic. Irony occurs when there's an incongruity between what is expected and what actually happens.
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