Friday, July 20, 2007

Post-Bar To-Do List

In a shameless ripoff another Boalt blogger, I present a list of things I intend to do post-bar, in no particular order. The comprehensive list at Cause and Defect is better (and obviously more original) than my own. Next week can’t come soon enough.
  1. Spend Macy’s gift cards that are last vestige of “free LexisNexis” halcyon days.
  2. Read something with pictures in it.
  3. See Simpsons movie; rekindle old love; vow to stage “favorite episodes” marathon; never actually do it.
  4. Wake up in cold sweat, panicky about forgetting “cy pres” doctrine; realize it will never matter again; take deep breath.
  5. Watch Nancy Grace; work self into angry fervor; despair at prospect of her procreation.
  6. Bask in sun at Lake Tahoe; try not to think about easements in gross.
  7. Stop obsessively reading “contracts” entered into with parking garages by pushing green button.
  8. Watch ‘Entourage’ DVDs; try not to compare own career arc to that of Vincent Chase.
  9. Begin “dry clean” era of laundering everyday wardrobe; ruefully watch jeans collection gather dust.
  10. Let email account expire; kick self for not copying address book in time.
  11. Witness advent of David Beckham era of American soccer; try not to compare own career arc to that of Becks.
  12. Try to come up with use for self-made Bar/Bri flash cards; realize there is none; chuck in trash; fall to knees; scramble to collect scattered, soiled cards from trash in contingency for crippling bad news in November.
  13. Listen to new(ish) albums by Interpol, T.I., White Stripes; pretend I was down from day one.
  14. “I do love scotch. Scotchy-scotch-scotch. Theeeeere it goes, down into my belly.”
  15. Watch ‘Bronx is Burning;’ revel in idle disappointment.
  16. Order diploma from school; receive diploma; let diploma collect dust on office floor as it waits to be hung up.
  17. Consider skipping country to dodge payment of student loans; reconsider, given poor quality of public restrooms abroad.
  18. Pass by dreadlocked-beard-guy sitting on sidewalk one final time; pretend to be happy to never see him again; walk away stoically as single tear rolls down cheek.
  19. “Conviser Mini-Review, meet Mr. Bonfire.”
  20. Play. Station. 3.

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Blogger A.H. Rajani said...

Much obliged for the shameless plug to my blog.

7/20/2007 5:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Armen, can you throw up a new thread about Dean Edley's proposed fee hike? Just from skimming the Chron article this morning and this:, it looks like he's pushing for an 18% hike next year.

7/20/2007 6:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Since you love scotch I am going to share a secret with you.

Every year in April there is a "Whiskeys of the World" expo held in the bay are. Several hundred conventioners hand out samples of their best products. Expo come complete with buffet as well and all the evian you can drink.

Its not cheap, around 120 a person, but Last year I had a 40 year La Phreug that was like 450 a bottle and plenty of 18-25 year deliciousness from everyone you might have ever heard of.

I believe this coming year it is actually going to be a 2 day event on a yaught.

Beware it is not an event for the faint of heart

7/20/2007 9:01 AM  
Blogger Armen Adzhemyan said...

Watch Nancy Grace; work self into angry fervor; despair at prospect of her procreation.

Listen scumbag, that would you, Mad JD, when you advocate for such activities, to me you sound worse than a Nazi. Why don't you read Mein Kampf while you're at it?

I get angry when I miss a MC question. I get angry when crane flies startle me and cause me to fall back on my ass from my desk chair. When hear that woman speak on television, I feel like all the evils and all that is unholy in this world have been unleashed and stuffed into a single person.

She will not be procreating. She's spawning the child of Satan. God I hate her. Thanks for fucking pissing me off this early in the morning.

7/20/2007 9:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Evil and somewhat stupid yes...

But i wonder if that evil would make her great in bed, or on the kitchen counter, or in my BIGFIRM office, or on the hood of my car, or in the office of the california bar examiners?

I bet she bites though, probably not a good thing

7/20/2007 9:45 AM  
Blogger Mad.J.D. said...

Holy crap, 9:45! Are you saying what I think you're saying? That you have an unholy....thing... for Nancy Grace?

And if she does bite, you'll probably catch a nasty case of whatever it is she's spreading.

7/20/2007 11:16 AM  
Blogger Max Power said...

What self-respecting post-bar to-do-list doesn't have the words "Harry" and "Potter" on it? I can't believe I have to wait all the way until the end of next week to start reading it. NO spoilers!

7/20/2007 9:18 PM  

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