Saturday, September 15, 2007

Chim Chim Chemerinsky

Today's LAT has a very fascinating article. Two important developments. 1) There are now efforts to bring Chemerinsky back, and 2) the names of the people who apparently derailed the appointment. This latter one is the important one.

-- Ronald M. George, C.J. Apparently an op/ed that EC wrote criticizing post-conviction habeas relief in California and elsewhere pissed off the Chief. He sent a letter to the LAT and UCI. Interesting. "Dear Chief Justice George, if that is your real name, please spend less time worrying about op/eds in the LAT and more time scrutinizing silly death sentences from places like Turlock. Also a few more opinions on the issue I'm researching would be great, but that's more of a personal request."

-- LA County Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich. He passed around (HT: Leiter, who's been on the ball with this fiasco) the contact info of UCI to supporters in an effort to have the appointment of Chemerinsky derailed. "Dear Mike, the only reason you're not the worst County supervisor is because of Yvonne Burke, Gloria Molina, and Zev Yaroslovsky. If I knew more about Don Knape, I'd throw him in there somewhere too. You are a member of the most useless body of local government. If ever there was an office with no accountability, no responsibility, and an opportunity for personal gain, it's your office. How about you spend some time investigating the County Sheriff's use of his powers to promote campaign donors? You're in charge of the largest mass transit system in the country. Care to work on a plan to bring effective mass transit to the LA Metro area? It's not like you're about to voted out of office. You'd think a few decades in office would be enough time to figure something out. Also, having your name attached to a stretch of highway while you're still alive and in office is just plain vanity. Stop doing that. Oh and keep yourself and your supporters out of the business of influencing academic appointments. If you want a rabid right wing law school, join forces with Tom Monaghan and start Ave Maria, the sequel. Jerk."

-- Various Republicans in OC. These guys got a hold of Chancellor Drake's cell number and bombarded him with calls. "Dear Wealthy OC Republicans, spend more time with your slutty, drug addicted kids. They've forever ruined MTV for me. Instead of calling Drake's cellphone, I highly encourage you to check your daughter's txt msgs and facebook pokes. Surprise!!!"



Blogger Earl Warren said...

Armen's back and better than ever!

9/15/2007 1:42 PM  

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