Friendly Clerkship Advice
I'm the last person to offer clerkship advice, so I won't. However, a friend of N&B e-mailed me this post that s/he does not wish to take credit for. So, I pass it on to you gentle readers.
I have a good feeling for Boalties receiving telephone calls tomorrow AM. But let's remember that - just like with the Miss America pageant --deportment and poise counts even in the scheduling phone call. Thankfully, our home office has collected the typical "rookie mistakes" first-time phone interview-schedulers make with prestigious federal judges. Watch out for these tempting -- but dangerous -- lines:
10. Can we schedule this a little later, because I am NOT a morning person.
9. What do you mean you're in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania? I thought the courthouse was at the end of the Bay Pt. train.
8. I'm available to meet any time! Unless it conflicts with The Pick-Up Artist.
7. I know we pay for our own airfare and hotel. But who picks up the in-room porn?
6. I'm going to tell you right now: I can't stand those little shit Yalies.
5. How does the judge feel about being named A3G's "#2 Super-Diva" of the federal bench"?
4. Is there a lot of writing involved in this clerkship?
3. I can't commit to anything right now. I'm waiting for a call from the Ron Paul campaign.
2. Would the judge also be interested in trading LT for Anquan Boldin and Plaxico Buress?
And straight from the home office in Wahoo, Nebraska, comes the worst possible thing you could say tomorrow morning.
1. Fucking awesome! Who says 9/11 can't be a terrific day?
I have a good feeling for Boalties receiving telephone calls tomorrow AM. But let's remember that - just like with the Miss America pageant --deportment and poise counts even in the scheduling phone call. Thankfully, our home office has collected the typical "rookie mistakes" first-time phone interview-schedulers make with prestigious federal judges. Watch out for these tempting -- but dangerous -- lines:
10. Can we schedule this a little later, because I am NOT a morning person.
9. What do you mean you're in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania? I thought the courthouse was at the end of the Bay Pt. train.
8. I'm available to meet any time! Unless it conflicts with The Pick-Up Artist.
7. I know we pay for our own airfare and hotel. But who picks up the in-room porn?
6. I'm going to tell you right now: I can't stand those little shit Yalies.
5. How does the judge feel about being named A3G's "#2 Super-Diva" of the federal bench"?
4. Is there a lot of writing involved in this clerkship?
3. I can't commit to anything right now. I'm waiting for a call from the Ron Paul campaign.
2. Would the judge also be interested in trading LT for Anquan Boldin and Plaxico Buress?
And straight from the home office in Wahoo, Nebraska, comes the worst possible thing you could say tomorrow morning.
1. Fucking awesome! Who says 9/11 can't be a terrific day?
Labels: Kevin Smith
Any Boalties getting calls from California judges?
Haaa, well done.
Got one earlier this morning.
district? circuit? city?
9C in Pasadena is calling.
Is the deal basically that if we don't hear today, we're not getting an interview? I put out a million apps on the East coast and have only heard from one judge. That's pretty bad, right?
I put out a lot of apps too and have only heard from one judge in a random district. It would be really helpful if other Boalties could post where they've heard (even just the circuit or district), to give the rest of us an idea of whether to go ahead and schedule the interviews we've got already.
I've heard from two in the Ct of Federal Claims (in DC). Both early in the morning. Nothing since.
Where else did you apply, 2:17PM?
I heard from SDTX and SDNY ('09-10 term)
Edit: I applied all over CA/NY/DC as well.
- 2:33PM
I heard from th 9C but (weirdly) but not any district courts. I thought this was strange but was then told that circuit judges make calls today, and the district courts start later.
Come on. You guys are lame. Share your info.
Got two calls from CDCA today.
Heard from SD Cal (San Diego), SDNY, and D. Hawaii.
3:03 - where did you hear that district courts start later?
Anyone hear from SF district court judges?
4:15, do you mind sharing which San Diego judge you heard from? Email me at if you don't want to make it public :)
Off topic but what's the deal with the diplomas not fitting into the diploma frames?
4:26 - it was Gonzalez.
Anyone receiving calls today?
My phone hasn't rang since 11 AM yesterday.
my guess is the reason that boalt places clerks so poorly is because of the student/faculty ratio. faculty have clerked. clerkships are often placed based on personal relationships. boalt needs more professors.
i can run some regressions, but I'll just point to Yale and Chicago and their student/faculty ratios
FYI, Conti & Whyte have not scheduled interviews yet.
7:02 - So do you mean the Reg Office lied to me when they told me last week that diplomas weren't ready yet? Perhaps in retaliation for me banging on their closed door at 3:56 and reminding them that there is another 4 minutes in their work day. :-(
am i doing it right? i have only gotten 15 calls so far: 11 from Circuit Courts (1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th x 2, 10th, 11th x 3), and 4 from a few lame District courts.
What's wrong with you is that you're a giant douchebag who thinks sarcasm is a form of humor.
One of the problems of not posting anonymously is that I can't say things like the above commenter. Not that I desperately wanted to or anything...
/b/ is not yr army
sarcasm is a valid form of humor.
Ksusha--my diploma came in the mail a week or so ago. It also seems to fit fine in the Boalt Hall frame I bought at the bookstore...
11:04--not trying to be snarky (if I were I would be anonymous), but I would recommend using the correct tenses of verbs during your interview(s). You mean "has rung," not "has rang."
Good luck to all of you next Wednesday (and beyond)!
Clerkship's eve. Best of luck folks.
So, one of your interviews went disastrously (the judge may have gotten your application confused with someone else's), and the other two were canceled before you even got to them. Now what?
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