Monday, December 10, 2007

The Good Old Days of Martial Law

COL Morris Davis, USAF, has an opinion piece in today's LAT that is worth sharing. Just to put things in context, COL Davis is an Air Force JAG officer who was appointed as the chief prosecutor of the military commissions at Guantanamo Bay. During the case of Australian David Hicks, COL Davis threatened to bring charges against Hicks' lawyer, MAJ Mori, USMC, for bashing Bush in the Aussie media. How can I say this tactfully? Davis will not be thought of as carrying on any fine Berkeley traditions. That's why the op/ed is so intriguing. More importantly, last week the SCOTUS heard arguments in two consolidated cases challenging the adequacy of these Commissions. Hopefully an enterprising clerk will read this piece.

Speaking of SCOTUS, man they are really bulldozing the guidelines to the ground. I was right on the result, but way off on the makeup of the majority. Oh well.


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