Thursday, May 15, 2008

Get Inn

John Steele wants everyone to know that the Inn of Court is looking for law students to join this great networking organization:

Priority goes to 3Ls with aspirations to be Bay Area litigators -- and Bay Area wannabe PDs and prosecutors are first among equals.

You show up once a month during the school year at the federal courthouse in Oakland. You mingle with judges, prosecutors, PDs, firm lawyers, etc. One month, you help put on a skit. (It might involve theatrics.) After the skit, you all head to a restaurant for a nice meal. In general, Boalties have greatly enjoyed it, and the price is very reasonable (last year $150, may be as low as $60 for students, for eight good restaurant meals).


Join an Inn of Court!

The Earl Warren American Inn of Court is looking for seven good Boalties to be Inn members for next school year. You will meet monthly in the evening at 6:00-9:00 pm on the third Wednesday of each month in downtown Oakland. The annual fee is very modest, about $150, which covers the seven or so restaurant meals. For one month during the year, your team will put on a presentation, which means you will put in about 12 hours in preparation. (At the EWAIC, the presentations are a little theatrical, so have some willingness to play a part in a short skit.) Otherwise, you will simply attend presentations, meet and greet judges and lawyers, and enjoy a nice meal. Attendance is important, so if you join, you are making a commitment to show up. Unfortunately, the Inn has given us a shorter fuse than usual, so please contact John Steele at if you are interested. It's a great way to get out there in the legal community as a 3L.


Blogger MRP said...

I was a student member of the EW Inn of Court my 2L year and had a great time. I strongly recommend it to anyone who enjoys law, musical theater, or eating dinner. At the time, I had no desire to litigate or stay in the East Bay, but it was still well worth it.

One caveat - if you are hoping for a very high-level legal salon - this isn't it. Most of the programs are very entertaining and well done performances with brief interludes to discuss the appropriate law. There is not a ton of legal philosophical debate.

5/15/2008 12:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wanted to add that the priorities were listed because in prior years the announcement was made earlier and we had lots of volunteers. The Inn got back to me very late this year and if you're interested don't hesitate to shoot me an email regardless of the tie-breaker criteria listed above. Good luck on the finals and over the summer.

5/15/2008 12:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Suggestions on a high level legal salon in the area?

5/17/2008 5:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

start your own legal book club.

5/17/2008 6:25 PM  

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