Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Kiffin Me Softly

As avid football fans (or East Bay residents who try to avoid riding BART during Raider games), I'm sure you've already heard that Al Davis fired Lane Kiffin as the head coach, replacing him with Tom Cable, the current O-Line coach.

(a) Al Davis is a moron who doesn't know what he's doing and the sooner he croaks, the sooner the Raiders will do well.

(b) Cable sucks. When he was at UCLA, he managed to make Karl Dorrell's play calling seem ingenious.

(c) Davis is such a cheap, morally corrupt person that he's claiming to have fired Kiffin "for cause" to get out of paying the remainder of the contract. Anyone with half a brain knows the organization was leaning on Kiffin to resign to avoid paying the remainder of his K. Cheapos.



Blogger McWho said...

I am not sure that anyone at Boalt has a rap sheet long enough to meet Raider fan pre-reqs.

And I know a few with a lengthy record. They still don't cut the mustard.

9/30/2008 3:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This really is a sad, sad day in Raider Nation...will anyone with half a brain even consider this job next year? Ugh...

- Boaltie and Raider season-ticket holder with an unremarkable rap sheet

9/30/2008 4:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um...it's Kiffin, not Kiflin.

9/30/2008 4:24 PM  
Blogger Armen Adzhemyan said...


"Bart's teacher's name is Krabapple? Oh no, I've been calling her Krandal."

9/30/2008 4:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dunno. In games this year, Kiffin managed to call the most unbelievably chickenshit game possible. My favorite was against the Bills, getting the ball with the lead and 4m left and determining to run 3 times up the middle, so that the defense that had just given up an 80-yard drive in NINETY SECONDS could "save the game."

Is that grounds for termination -- or should that be exempt because the entire NFL is the same way (and thus growing increasingly unwatchable)?

9/30/2008 4:34 PM  
Blogger Toney said...

Cable was the coach at Idaho my first three years there, and needless to say, not many people recall the beginning of the 2000's as a period of Vandal dominance.

9/30/2008 5:51 PM  
Blogger Matt Berg said...

Has there ever been a period of Vandal dominance?

9/30/2008 7:24 PM  
Blogger Patrick Bageant said...

Watch it, buddy. Me and Toney could kick one off at any time . . .

9/30/2008 9:51 PM  
Blogger Armen Adzhemyan said...

Has there ever been a period of Vandal dominance?

Circa 476 C.E.

9/30/2008 11:02 PM  
Blogger McWho said...

It says something [bad] that you and Toney would actually improve the Vandal's chances.

10/01/2008 8:38 AM  
Blogger Patrick Bageant said...

Welcome to my shit list, McWho. (Armen just landed there too, so you won't be lonely.)

As alumni, we don't have to actually join the football team to be Vandals. But, even if we did, it wouldn't say something [bad]. It would say something [awesome about me and Toney!].

10/01/2008 8:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, Cable was the only decent OC we had under Dorrell. We went 10-2 with a fairly high-powered offense in his second year before he jumped ship.

10/01/2008 8:51 AM  
Blogger Toney said...

Being a Vandal is like having an alcoholic, verbally abusive, closet-racist uncle. You know, you love him and all, but....

10/01/2008 2:28 PM  

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