Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Carbolic Defends Traditional Holiday Values

Feats of Strength? Airing of Grievances? This attack on traditional, consumption-based holidays cannot be countenanced. Also, Seinfeld-lovers must accept that the show was canceled ages ago.

It's time return fire in "The War on Christmas" in the only meaningful way possible--a Youtube faceoff.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


12/26/2008 12:58 PM  
Blogger Armen Adzhemyan said...

Hey genius, Seinfeld wasn't canceled.

Hope you brought your A game.

12/26/2008 1:05 PM  
Blogger Danny Zee said...

Yeah Carbolic messed that up bigtime. We should acknowledge, though, that that was a pretty douche move by Seinfeld. King's question wasn't THAT bad... he didn't have to get into a whiny fit about it.

12/27/2008 1:21 PM  

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