Thursday, January 29, 2009

Best Timekilling Websites for Class (Updated!)

Everyone needs to zone out once in a while during class, usually when that annoying jerk in the back keeps asking the least relevant questions humanly possible. Since I've mastered the art of zoning out, I figured I'd share a few weapons from my arsenal.

1. Nintendo 8: You can play virtually every NES game ever made ever, within the confines of your browser. Nothing to install, you just click on the game index, pick a game, and go. In addition, Commodore 64, Sega Master System, Gameboy, and DOS games are available for in-brow play (for those of us that like to rock the old school a little harder). Just try to beat bubble bobble. I dare you.

2. Hapland 1, Hapland 2, Hapland 3: Seldom can a task be so addictive and infuriating simultaneously. These are the most basic of games, requiring only a few point and clicks over a simplistic though semi-artistic 2D backdrop. Beat all three without cheating to win Hersh's heart.

3. JustinTV: If you don't know about this site, then slap yourself. Go ahead; we'll wait. ... Recovered yet? Good. JustinTV provides streaming for any televised event ever. I personally use the site to watch locally non-televised college basketball, and the more obscure sports, such as Moroccan dominoes. It's especially good if you would have skipped class otherwise to watch the game.

4. Google Reader: RSS feeds (or "aggregators" for those of you in the know) can be intimidating, but Google Reader has changed this. It's a great tool for reducing the amount of time you spend checking all your news/gossip/politics websites; it does this by keeping track of every article that these sites publish, and compiling them all into a single interface, organized by source. It's easy to use - you just enter the URL of the sites you want to keep track of, and BAM, you're done. It may seem strange not going to manually, but once you get used to it, you'll marvel at how you ever survived without it. An added bonus is that you'll never miss an article, instantly making you the world's most knowledgeable current events guru.

5. (From Dan) Ninja Ropes: Good game.

6. (From Anon) Hot chicks with douchebags: Hilarious.

7. (From Aaron) Gears of Doom.: Great maze game.

8. CentSports: Free ad-supported sports betting site with no risk to you. They start you off with $.10, and you can bet on nearly any sport. If you lose your $.10, they give you another $.10. Certain Boalties (not me) are up to $40. You can cash out for actual money at anything above $20. Also great for talking trash to classmates.

9. The Superficial, Stuff White People Like, I Don't Like You in That Way: I thought everyone knew about these blogs, but I've gotten over 5 emails saying "OMG U don't Kno about StuffWhitepeepslike? Lolz n00b." So here you go. Leave me alone, jerks.

10. Penny Arcade, XKCD, Truck Bearing Kibble: The interwebs has spawned a new age of comic strips, and these are some of the very best. PA is video-game focused, XKCD appeals to closet nerds, and TBK is from Hersh, so I make no reservations as to the contents (it probably involves weird animal love).


Blogger Dan said...

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1/15/2009 11:51 AM  
Blogger Dan said...

I would like to add NINJA ROPES!!

1/15/2009 11:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This one.

1/15/2009 11:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gears of Doom is awesome.

1/15/2009 12:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you know how much time that I'll waste playing Tecmo Bowl now?

1/15/2009 12:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh jesus you bastards. some of us have to work at, like, jobs.

1/16/2009 11:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said... toney.

you've been forgiven for defending that guy's final exam.

1/16/2009 6:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i curse and bless you for introducing me to Google Reader

1/26/2009 9:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

does everyone know about , , and the "blog" of "unnecessary" quotation marks ( )?

1/29/2009 6:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Trifecta:

LA Times free Daily Crossword:

Go Fug Yourself:

I Can Has Cheezburger?:

If you have ever had to sit behind me, you probably know who I am now. :)

1/31/2009 12:51 PM  
Blogger Dan said...

Wow, 6:18, unnecessary quotation marks are my favorite grammar faux paux! Thanks for that glorious find.

2/02/2009 6:34 PM  
Blogger Armen Adzhemyan said...

Right after misspelling faux pas?

2/02/2009 6:36 PM  
Blogger Matt Berg said...

Oh damn! Armen just took you down!

2/02/2009 6:37 PM  
Blogger Dan said...

Yeah, unnecessary quotes bug me. Misspellings of french phrases... not so much.

2/02/2009 11:33 PM  
Blogger Dan said...

Also, it was right before.

2/02/2009 11:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

another time waister and guilty pleasure of mine is myspace...ewww

2/04/2009 1:24 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

2/10/2009 6:09 AM  

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