Monday, February 16, 2009

The First One's Free, Just to Try It

. . . sitting here listening to a live performance by Tom Waits from 1975, where he warns of roadside diners with veal cutlets so tough they march the counter to beat the shit out of the coffee, which is too weak to defend itself,* when I received an email from a friend tipping me off to free coffee at Strada on Friday.

Strada, whose coffee has never had its ass kicked, and who claims to have invented the white chocolate mocha, will be celebrating its 20th Anniversary. It expects expect to give away 5,000 drinks, or more. Five thousand and ten, counting me.

* . . . well I order my veal cutlet, Christ it left the plate and it walked down to the end of the counter. Waitress by the name of Irene, she's wearing those rhinestone glasses with the little pearl thing clipped on the sweater. My veal cutlet come down, tried to beat the shit out of my cup of coffee. Coffee just wasn't strong enough to defend itself.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's the point of a white chocolate mocha? Does it really taste that much different?

2/16/2009 3:05 PM  
Blogger Patrick Bageant said...

I know this is weird, but I love coffee, love chocolate, love coffee with chocolate, but dislike chocolate *in* my coffee. Mochas always seemed sort of gross to me, white, dark, or anywhere in between.

2/16/2009 3:07 PM  
Blogger Toney said...

A mocha is just coffee for someone too soft for their own good (probably from Southern California). Coffee in Idaho slaps you at birth to open your lungs, and is often used as a breast-milk supplement. Why else do you think I was able to grow a beard by age 3?

2/16/2009 3:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Flavored coffee is an abomination. It was the reason for Katrina and not abortions.

2/16/2009 4:12 PM  
Blogger Armen Adzhemyan said...

Absolutely right Toney. We don't have the refined taste buds of Idahoans to sip on ash water made in one of these.

Incidentally, any purported coffee fan (Idahoans excluded by definition), should watch/order this. It explains why coffee in the Bay Area is good. (Spoiler: The answer has to do with North Beach's ties to Italy/espresso machines combined with a bunch of people who had nothing to do other than to drink coffee).

2/16/2009 4:24 PM  
Blogger Patrick Bageant said...

Idahoans is not the preferred nomenclature, dude. "Idahonians." Please.

2/16/2009 4:27 PM  
Blogger Toney said...

Not quite Armen... we make our coffee in these. The SoCal folk on the other hand make their mochafrappes in these.

Alternative demonyms to "Idahoan" include Idahaitians, and Idahomies.

Mike was saying that the absolute best way to have coffee was to roast your own beans, then grind and brew while the beans are still hot. I would like to try it, but that seems like a hell of an ordeal.

2/16/2009 4:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No free coffee for any of you guys. No way.

2/16/2009 11:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Armen's one of those LA expresso drinkers. His views don't count.

2/17/2009 4:40 AM  
Blogger Armen Adzhemyan said...

Well at least I'm not an illiterate moron who can't spell espresso.

2/17/2009 10:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who the hell orders VEAL at a roadside diner?

OTOH, the lobster thermador at Denny's is superb. And they mix a fabulous martini.

2/17/2009 12:04 PM  

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