Good v. Evil
Tonight, at the ripe hour of 11 P.M., the immensely successful, fantastically good looking Bad News Bearisters will entertain the challenge of the somewhat mediocre, substantially less good looking The Softball Team Formerly Known as Boalt Hall.
Yes, you guessed it (or at least I hope you did from the second team's name): intramural softball. Come witness the lowly 2Ls try to take on the (former) champions, as the Bad News Bearisters demonstrate their athletic and, frankly, genetic superiority.
In the unfortunate event you cannot spare an hour between 11 and 12 this evening to stand in the rain and cheer for the Bearisters (or boo the 2Ls), feel free to elaborate on why you feel the Bad News Bearisters will win tonight.
Yes, you guessed it (or at least I hope you did from the second team's name): intramural softball. Come witness the lowly 2Ls try to take on the (former) champions, as the Bad News Bearisters demonstrate their athletic and, frankly, genetic superiority.
In the unfortunate event you cannot spare an hour between 11 and 12 this evening to stand in the rain and cheer for the Bearisters (or boo the 2Ls), feel free to elaborate on why you feel the Bad News Bearisters will win tonight.
Is this a real event? I would actually have some interest in going if I knew (a) where this was taking place or (b) who the Bearisters are (I'm guessing 3Ls?)
its at maxwell field, the one across from haas.
And yes, the bearisters are 3Ls.
The game is at Maxwell Family Field next to the football stadium. It will be legen...wait for it.........DARY.
Doesn't this event call for pre-game consumption at Henry's? At, say, 9:00?
When the 2Ls rise up and strike down their former masters, it will be Legen--wait for it--I hope you're not lactose intolerant cause the next word is---DARY!
Eat that, 4:59.
Has beens. Enough said. Time to put those old dude out to pasture.
For those wondering, the Bad News Bearisters are currently ranked number out of the three leagues. The Softball Team Formerly Known As Boalt Hall... is not.
*number 1
I have it on good authority that at least on person on the 2L team is going to get beaned. And our pitcher has a WICKED fastball.
I wish someone at the game with a iPhone would live blog this. I don't feel like going out in the rain to watch the 2Ls lose. But would like to get a play by play.
Good game everyone. Bearisters won in a competitive game, 12-8.
"won in a competitive game" = "eked out a victory"
Both sides played well, but I wouldn't call 12-8 an "eke." Regardless, it was a hell of alot more interesting than the normal 18-2 slaughter rule win or auto-win against a team that doesn't show up.
We lost the second week game by 12... to a team the 3L's beat 14-0 the first week. 12-8? I'll take it.
Good game though... despite trying to end it on a 2 foul ball out. Shenanigans.
Not to throw a fellow Bearister under the bus, but the only one trying to end the game in accordance with the umpire's correct understanding of the rules (but in an admittedly douchey manner) is the only Bearister to actively support the Federalist Society.
This is NOT a coincidence.
Oh... you mean the same rule that helped us win the championship? What rule(s) did you guys use to win your championship?
Oh, that's right...
Not that it was me that was pushing to end the game, or anything...
yeah yeah yeah. you were halfway out the gate before anyone realized what had happened.
The rules are your friend, good sir. I can only hope that one day you, too, can be in an advantageous position with the rules on your side!
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