Friday, April 03, 2009

An Argument For Fox News Polls

Because they're so ridiculously funny, I think we need more of them. In what seems like a life imitates art scenario (see, e.g., "Do Democrats cause cancer? Find out at"), here's the latest gem:
Do you think the federal government should increase taxes on the wealthiest individuals so that nobody gets to be too rich?
As a friend said:
Reminds me of a Soviet joke. "The son of an old revolutionary meets the son of a Kerensky loyalist. The son of the revolutionary says 'my father fought so that there wouldn't be any rich people.' The son of the Kerensky loyalist says 'and my father fought so there wouldn't be any poor people.'"
Yes I think the government should raise taxes so we don't have poor, jobless, starving people. *&%@ers.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

We need the Air America version:

"Do you think we should expand government services so widows do not starve to death in America?"

4/03/2009 1:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or how bout this. Totally off-topic but an interesting quandry nonetheless: Has anyone ever seen Eric Tal!ey and Perez Hilton in the same room together? I'm just sayin'.

4/03/2009 3:29 PM  
Blogger Armen Adzhemyan said...

It's been done

4/03/2009 3:33 PM  

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