Won't Somebody Please Think of the 2Ls?
At the gentle urging of the folks at the Clerkship Notification Blog, I figured I'd remind Boalties about that invaluable resource for those pursuing the clerkship path. I'd also point out the many clerkship threads on this blog can be found in the formerly "Kevin Smith" label. Otherwise consider this an open-thread to try to top the neuroticism of the 3Ls.
Oh and Go Lakers. Do Bay Area sports fans have ANYTHING to look forward to other than Moneyball the Movie?

Oh and Go Lakers. Do Bay Area sports fans have ANYTHING to look forward to other than Moneyball the Movie?

Labels: Kevin Smith
The Giants are on fire right now.
Can't wait 'til Cal Football! Go Bears!
Armen, you're confusing your tenses from somewhere deep in the Staples box that you were not allowed to attend except for Clippers games.
The NBA season is now over, so the better question is: What do LA fans have to look forwardto? Not signing Trevor Ariza? Getting a roid-less Manny back to gracefully exit the playoffs in three games? (And also being retroactively bitch-slapped by every Bay Area friend who ever had to listen to anyone from LA whine about Barry?)
As for the Bay Area, here's a couple of things we have to look forward to: the Cal football season, which is shaping up to be the best path to the Rose Bowl in Tedford's tenure; Stanford football getting Toby "Manshit" Gerhart back and returning to a bowl for the first time in years (with the capstone being a win over going-in-reverse UCLA in Palo Alto in October); Matt Cain starting the All-Star game; the Niners turning Crabtree loose on opponents' secondaries (with a rejuvenated Shaun Hill to at least lob the ball within 10 yards of him); the Cal basketball team getting every starter back; and, probably most importantly, San Jose native Joey Chestnut defending his hot-dog-eating crown before a nationally televised primetime audience in July. Er, before people who watch ESPN3.
Those are just a couple of things the Bay Area sports fan has to look forward to.
The Giants are doing ok. And I'm cautiously optimistic about the Niners.
Dan: apparently our coach is more than optimistic.
no word from Mindi re: outstanding grades.
I'm still waiting on 1...slow V*tter, but that is really to be expected.
Update: Kobe is a douche
Go Celtics!
Kobe is the only person who could look unhappy while holding that much gold.
Celtics??? I rather take BarBri every summer for the next 20 years than see another Celtics championship.
I actually was looking forward to the Moneyball movie. Emphasis on "was."
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