MBE (now updated!)
Update: Congrats all, neato gang. I have all my fingers crossed for you (not that any of you need it). This wait until November is going to terrible, but in the mean time, grab a beer, sit back and watch the Mad Men, the best show on TV. I'm thinking about all you. I ... I love you.
Also, it's pretty cool that Wills and Civ Pro are now MBE topics.
Labels: Bar Exams
WTF? The scaled scores will fix this, right... right?
Lions and sleeping tigers and coked up witnesses, oh my!
I seem to recall one sentence that was at least 63 words long. I read it eight times. then I gave up and went with "C".
Rape jokes are funny.
Ok, so it wasn't just me? Maybe those were the "experimental" questions. I'm trying to work up the motivation to review my checklists, but I don't know if it'll make any difference.
Also, WTF on unilateral theory of conspiracy?? TWO questions on something I've never fucking heard of?
The MBE is an absurd test. I never had guessed on a test as much as on that, and it seemed WAY harder than any practice I had taken.
I think I remember one property question turning not on a legal principle, but on your ability to notice a GEOMETRY issue.
The best two answers:
1. Dumper's Rule
2. Attenuate the taint.
The sad thing is, I picked the taint.
Ok now I'm worried because I specifically didn't pick the taint because it seemed tainted.
7:49 - I picked the answer that said "attenuate the taint". I don't think you should compare yourself to me, as I clearly have zero credibility.
If I score even 50% on that, I will be shocked.
yeah, there was a lot of unnecessary rape on that exam. not to mention the taint.
I had a Dumpor's Case in the middle of the exam. Boosh! I'll be here all week.
But yeah, that MBE was REALLY terrible. I was pretty much just going with my gut, with no articulable reason for picking any answer, on at least 1/3 of the questions.
The only bright spot was when I actually laughed out loud during the question about the process server who pounded on the windows yelling "Let me in! I am the law!"
yeah but the taint part was the best. it cheered me up.
i picked it.
i remember being like, nah no way, never heard of it (along with unilateral conspiracy and a whole host of other shit), but i think it made sense in a weird kind of way.
you know what else cracks me up? you ever seen those fitness commercials with that shake-weight? haha! guys and gals just beatin that thing off for a solid minute.
Is it me or did dick just de-attenuate the taint?
That test was so hard, it got to the point where I would re-read the questions I thought were easy.
Yeah, the difficult nature of the exam prompted me to start second guessing questions I would have not given much thought to otherwise.
Ugh. Wish I felt better about this.
Can anyone who took it in Feb compare the two? I thought it was awful, but maybe the first time just hurts.
i feel like my liberty was just taken away. no due process, no anything. just basically handed it over bc of reasonable fear from the state. bastards.
Thanks, dick. Your comment actually made me crack a smile for the first time in a month. That commercial was just on about 2 minutes after I read your comment.
And yes, agreed. The MBE was brutal. I, too, picked the taint.
I actually felt pretty good about it. Probably means I will be sitting for the bar in Feb.
I also laughed out loud at the "I am the law" question. Nice.
I just got out of the bathroom, and let's just say that Dumpor's claim for relief was granted.
Was the fair housing act really tested on the MBE, or was that really a con law question that I got suckered into thinking was a property question?
Fair Housing Act was on the July 2009 exam as well. Everyone guessed.
AHAHAHAHA DAN, I'm still laughing my ass off :) That was great. Thank you :)
finished the bar exam in oakland today and just have a few bservations:
1) i don't wanna sound like a pompous ass, but truthfully, i could not imagine going to school anywhere else other than boalt after seeing/hearing/dealing with the other kids at all the other bay area schools... thank you, edward tom.. you did good!
2) the mbe was hard
3) i am traumatized and probably will forever be a douchebag for the rest of my life just because of these 3 days..
4) i think the bar exam turns nice people into douce bags.
5) thoughts?
I was in Oakland and I agree, there was a shocking amount of douchebagery mostly from people who I didn't recognize as Boalties.
Or maybe I'm just use to Boalties?
The MBE was absurd -- and I'm pretty sure there was a civ pro question on there! I guess BarBri was right in preparing us to be tested on the exception to the exception to the minority rule, they just didn't teach us the right ones.
Regardless, the people at the Marriott seemed to be inexplicably nice considering what they had to deal with for three days.
Now that this is over, does anyone have any word on when we get our diplomas? They come in the mail, right?
That MBE was serious! It nothing like I've seen...the rape was tainted to the extent that the conspiracy become unilateral for more than 21 years and it was all orallay communicated with intent that it was negligence on the party's part to detrimentally rely on such mens rea.
I took the February 2010 exam and the July MBE was MUCH easier than February.
But it still sucked.
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