Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Applying for Clerkships

Greetings 2Ls. I've received a few emails about applying for clerkships, and I figured this subject would make a good Nuts & Boalts thread as we move through the semester. Expect to see the subject reprised. To start, I'll share my thoughts on a few preliminary issues in searching for a clerkship.

1. Who are my recommenders?

You need two to three recommenders to apply for a clerkship (some judges only want two, in reality, you need three for the judges who want the third). Some will want a recommendation from your summer employment to gague your work product (e.g., Matz, C.D.Cal.), but the default is that these are faculty recommenders.

So what makes a good recommender? The ideal recommender will write you a glowing letter. More importantly, the ideal recommender will go to bat for you and call judges they know (or have the courage to cold call some judges to put in a good word). The hardest part of the clerkship process is getting your resume from the pile of 800 applicants into the pile of 10-15 people being interviewed. Think about it: the first cut has an almost 1% selectivity rate, the second round's rate is about 25-50%. Hopefully, your faculty recommenders know some judges (class mates, friends, spoke on a panel together, clerked together, anything).

Putting aside this important consideration, you want faculty recommenders that know you and like you (so that they're willing to put their credibility on the line, see above). It's getting a little late in the game for the 2Ls, but things you can do: work as a research assistant, go to office hours and ask questions, or find some other way to work closely with faculty. Doing well in a professor's class is good, but every faculty member hands out a handful of HHs and a bunch of Hs every year. You want to stand out more than that.

Deadline for answering this question: you need to discuss recommendations by the end of the semester. That is, you should have picked, approached, and agreed with 3 faculty members by May.

2. What classes should I be taking?

A federal judge needs clerks who can help manage their docket. Ideally, your course work should at least partially reflect the federal docket. Musts: Evidence, Civil Procedure II, Federal Courts (3L year). These are courses judges asked me about.

Other courts will have additional specialized requirements. Obviously, bankruptcy is helpful to work as a clerk in a bankruptcy court. Some districts will require (or practically require) familiarity with complex federal laws. For example, you'll need at least Intro to IP, and likely Patent Law, to clerk in Delaware (federal court; Corporations, etc. for state court). IP is also valuable for all the major cities (C.D.Cal., S.D.N.Y., N.D.Cal., etc.). Securities dominates the docket in a number of big cities too, especially S.D.N.Y. I don't know, but I imagine Immigration is a must for clerking in S.D.Cal. If you want to clerk for the D.C. Circuit, or D.D.C., you should take Administrative Law.

These are off the top of my head, but there are more. Of course, these tie into the next question -

Deadline for answering this decision: ongoing.

3. Where should I apply for clerkships?

This is a life choice. But it helps to know upfront where you want to clerk in case you want to tailor your work appropriately. It also affects your odds. Clerkships in Hawaii, LA, SF, NY, etc. are much more popular than clerkships in Fargo, Reno, Wheeling, and Fairbanks, and the chances of successfully getting a clerkship obviously increase as demand goes down.

Deadline for answering this question: applications are due in August, but you should be thinking about this throughout.

Ok, "The Berlin Airlift" is on. I will post again at some later point on the next question,

4. What type of clerkship should I do?

2Ls (and 1Ls), best of luck, and please let me know if this is helpful. If you have questions on the process, the 3Ls at N&B are happy to help.


Monday, January 29, 2007

Time Capsule

I happened upon a book today that is the starting point of my inaugural post.

Approximately ten years ago, a 1L became dismayed with the alleged lack of intellectual diversity at Boalt. He felt that racial categories were being privileged over diversity of viewpoints--especially those on the right. He was called a racist for opposing affirmative action. This occurred in the wake of Proposition 209, now a part of the California Constitution, which had ended affirmative action at Boalt and in the state.

The student, David Wienir, propounded a series of questions to his peers. The twenty-seven responses he received, mainly from conservative students, formed the basis of a book called "The Diversity Hoax." It is this book that I found today and thumbed through.

I feel that now is a good time to re-evaluate the status of diversity of peoples and viewpoints at Boalt. In the spirit of frank but civil debate, I reproduce the (concededly loaded) questions below and invite comments, whether you attach your name or comment anonymously. Let me emphasize: I'm not looking for a particular kind of response. I have pondered the questions below and I am genuinely curious to see what my peers think. I've written an opinion of my own, but will refrain from posting it until others have had a chance to say what they think.

The questions:
"How healthy is the marketplace of ideas here at Boalt? Do you have fair opportunity to share your ideas in the classroom? Does expression flow freely in an environment tolerant of diversity, or does the climate of tolerance at Berkeley paradoxically inhibit true diversity of opinion? Has political activism within the classroom silenced important student perspectives? What should have been said, but never was?"

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Yesterday I did my taxes and even accounting for my spring break trip to Australia, I'll have some hefty change left over, so I figured I'd do something nice (for once) with it. Here it is.

Recently 3Ls got an e-mail about our wonderful classmate and my dear friend HH. Her insurance costs are through the roof, and if you want to help, you can donate care of Holly Parrish. Here's where YOU come in:

For $10, I will let any Boaltie (or prospective Boaltie [as determined by the Admissions Office's reliance on your word]), staff, or faculty to post here on N & B for a month. I will of course match that $10, and donate to the worthy cause. At the end of the blogging term of service, the current bloggers (and maybe the readers) will vote on permanent tenured offers to continue N & B. If you are interested, please e-mail me directly at armenaut-at-gmail-dot-com. Females are VERY STRONGLY encouraged to apply. Remember, the more people who sign up, the more money for HH.

Addendum: A lot of people say, "I just can't think of anything to write about." Neither did I when I first started this whole journey. I mean take this gem from August 2004.

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Sunday, January 28, 2007

Gitmo No, Genocide Yes

I just glanced through this article on Yahoo about TV stations in Sudan going off the air to protest Gitmo. This really pisses me off. A country with one of the worst record on human rights is protesting OUR treatment of prisoners? Don't get me wrong, there's nothing about Gitmo that's worth defending, but Sudan? WTF? Just to put things in perspective, this is a country that's resisting UN peacekeepers that would protect the Christians in Darfur from genocidal massacres tacitly approved by the government. This is a bit like the Soviets back in the day criticizing capitalism by pointing to homelessness.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Mo Money, Fewer Problems

Jonathan Adler of the VC points to a WSJ op/ed by Becker and Posner on the problems of increasing the minimum wage. Namely, it results in the increase in the cost of goods produced by unskilled labor, which are most frequently consumed by the poor. Which if true, then the increased spending power of those unskilled laborers would go right back to their employers, thereby offsetting any lost revenues caused by a minimum wage increase. I guess trickle down theory is a one way street.

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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Mo' Money, Mo' Problems

As commenter Mike points out, Simpson Thatcher in NY went to $160,000. It looks like they're keeping their West Coast salaries to $135/145. The latest numbers I have are that the big westcoasters like MoFo, Latham, Gibson, OMM, and Orrick are at $135 (Quinn and Irell being the outliers on the high end at $145). My hunch is that by the time we start, all major markets except NY will be at $145. Put those vacation plans on hold once you start though.

UPDATE: S&C, Cravath, Cleary, Millbank have all so far matched. There are others speculating that the WC will raise to $145 to prevent it from going any higher.

UPDATE II: Moving to the top in light of comments and updates. Add Quinn (across the board), Fried Frank (NY and DC), Dewey Ballantine (does anyone else think of trading places whenever they hear this firm's name?), Willkie Farr & Gallagher, and Shearman.

UPDATE III: Crap, just what I was afraid of. MoFo has increased salaries ONLY in their NY office. While OMM is increasing LA and DC to $145 just as I predicted. $20 that all the WC firms follow the lead and do the same. I've been thinking about it a bit more, and generally the WC billable requirement is 1950. With any increase, that's going to go up to 2000, if not 2100. One way or another, the firms' bottom lines should not take any hit.

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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Fire and Brimstone

For any 3Ls who missed Dean Ortiz's bar talk on Tuesday, here's the grim recap:

- You should do both Barbri and PMBR.
- You should start practicing multiple choice tests 5 minutes ago. Start with five questions a day, every day (untimed at first). You can get copies of old MBE tests on the CalBar website. What are you waiting for? Get cracking!
- The bar exam is your life.
- Once you start studying after graduation, forget about ever doing things like laundry and dishes. (You all have butlers, right?)
- You can't possibly hold a job while you study.
- Forget things like dinners out and weekend trips.
- Classes are three hours a day. Studying is 8 additional hours a day. Do I hear 9 or 10?
- The bar exam is your life
- Self-study spells certain doom unless you have the discipline of a samurai.
- Wean yourself off caffeine now. You can't afford to be taking bathroom breaks during the test.
- If Barbri says "jump," you say "how high?"
- If Barbri says "Drop and give me twenty essays," you say "Thank you sir, may I have another?"
- The people who fail (and some of you WILL FAIL) are the people who take Barbri lightly.
- If you have kids, ship them off to summer camp. I am not making this up.
- Don't study with your friends. You will end up hating each other.
- The bar exam is your life.

My notes tapered off after that. I was too busy using my pen to slash unsuccessfully at my wrists.

Seriously, don't take my word for any of it. I recommend that everybody attend one of these talks, if you can handle the wake up call. The warm and fuzzy days of law school are soon to be a thing of the past. Time to start honing those survival skills.

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I'm filling out the moral character app, and I need to affix any attachments to the inside back cover. WTF is the inside back cover? Consider this an open thread for questions re bar exams. Collective knowledge at this school has always been the way to know what to do (from OCIP to exams), and I'm hoping it comes through in this case.


Monday, January 22, 2007

Survey Says?

Prof. Swift just sent an e-mail asking all Boalties to take a survey about proposed Academic Calendar changes. The link is here. I don't like ANY of the options under review. Instead, I suggested that Committee adopt the Max Power proposal articulated here on N&B. If you recall, MP suggested that we increase the unit classroom time from 50 minutes to 55 minutes to give us an extra week of vacation...either in the winter or summer. Take your pick. But this way, we still get to keep our review sessions and reading period.

I'm REALLY opposed to getting rid of either of those. When our entire grades depend on a single exam covering a wealth of material from 15 weeks, I think it's not too much to ask for a couple of days to put everything together. Anyway, I've filled out the survey stating my opposition to all of the options and I added my preference to the comment. If you think it's a wise idea, now's your chance to air it out.

UPDATE: Prof. Swift kindly points out that the 55 minute change has been brought up but the faculty are not really in favor of it because it would cut into the class-free lunch period. Thought I'd point that out.


Sunday, January 21, 2007

* Breaking News *

BearFacts is working, with some grades posted. Hat tip: kindly Sec Reg professor who emailed the notice.

A few clicks, and everyone can go back to stressing about normal aspects of life.

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Saturday, January 20, 2007

All the news that is fit to print, right?

I was alternately amused/annoyed by this NY Times piece on the assault on several members of a Yale a cappella group visiting San Francisco over New Year. Amused because the article, as it painstakingly (sometimes sidesplittingly so) tries to establish some sort of pattern of incompetence in SFPD and tells the sorrowful tale of a bunch of Yalies who can't get 1st Class service from a police department with actual, truly awful crime to fight, recalls a litany of absurdities ranging from "Fajitagate" to Sean Hannity and the "National Anthem Singers" (a great tie-in to the "why do the assaulters -- San Franciscans, presumably -- hate America?" meme). Annoyed because I really don't think the story is interesting or important enough to merit space in the NY Times. But read and enjoy for the absurdities! And read the links if you want to know about some more serious crimes that the police are presumably (hopefully) competently prioritizing...

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Armed With an Edley Weapon

Follow Me To Salvation

You can follow H.R. 5 (student loan interest rate reduction) here. From the text though it doesn't affect us.


Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Call Me Quebecois

Before I rant once more about the crappy IT here, I want to congratulate Tom. His post on Boalt faculty is garnering a lot of attention (see, e.g., here, here, and here. Although I'm perplexed a bit at Leiter's reaction given his obsession with needless data by which to sort law school faculty). I assume Tom will have a response in short order.

Alright here's my rant. I want the law school to declare its independence from the campus...in an IT sense. This isn't a UC issue. Plenty of other UCs have centralized websites where you can access all important information. You can browse their "My" pages with guest logins. (UCD, UCLA [with an online forum], UCSD [no guest access], and Stanford for good measure). So why can't we break from the main campus and set one up on our own? Any former Boalties out there who want to donate to a worthy cause...do you hear me? We REALLY could use an updated centralized website.

I've ranted about this before (only to have older Boalties complain that we have it too easy because the various "Bears" now all use the same password). Now I realize that main campus has no intention of changing anything. They can't even maintain what little there is. "When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another..."

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Monday, January 15, 2007

All Things Bright & Beautiful

Just felt like writing in with a smile on a beautiful Martin Luther King, Jr. Monday.

The Wall Street Journal had an excellent article on Dr. King's speaking style, how it compares to Barack Obama's, and what qualities make a good speech. The article is called "The Power of Dreams" and can be read (with not-free log-in) here.

Obviously, I can't repost the article here, but the two-paragraph thrust focuses on the concept of "resonance", which the author defines as a speech's ability to echo cultural themes. After tracing the lineage of the ideas in many great speeches, the author characterizes the contents of King's speech. This is the paragraph I've chosen to post:

"Indeed, oratory without allusion is usually little more than motivational speaking. And "I Have a Dream" is more densely packed with allusions and outright references than nearly any other speech in American history. King begins with Lincoln ("Five score years ago..."), moves quickly to the Declaration of Independence ("unalienable rights") and minutes later has invoked the prophet Amos ("justice rolls down like waters, and righteousness like a mighty stream"). Before the speech is over, King has quoted "My Country 'Tis of Thee," with its American lyrics and its music lifted from the English "God Save the King," and the Negro spiritual "Free at Last." As Drew Hansen notes in his book about King's speech, "The Dream," just using the motif of the dream reminds biblically literate listeners of Joseph, Daniel and Joel. And King's hope that "the crooked places will be made straight" recalls Ecclesiastes, Isaiah and Luke."

I found the article fascinating, but I'd love to hear others' opinions, especially those with speechwriting experience.

Friday, January 12, 2007

What is Formerly Irony?

I can speak for most 3Ls when I say that we read the Registrar's e-mail this morning as comic relief. Here's the e-mail in full:
There is a programming glitch with e-Grades which is preventing law grades from appearing in BearFacts. The problem occurred when the campus posted campus course grades to transcripts yesterday. Programmers are working on a solution, and we will keep you posted.
How can this be anything other than hilarious? Three years now, count 'em...three, that something with the system has gone wrong to prevent the posting of grades in a timely manner. For f*ck's sake, we're having better luck building democracies in the Middle East than maintaining a decent IT. But now, instead of just getting the usual delay, we had to endure 4 weeks of suspensful grade checking on BEARFACTS...which is as easy to use as a Russian Fighter Jet with cyrillic instructions. Although this is a marked improvement from the days when grades came out on InfoBears about 9 years before they were posted on BEARFACTS.

I collected some previous comments about the grades at Boalt here. I should add the BBB slip up to that list. Feel free to vent if you're an ambitious 2L or a panic stricken 1L.

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Thursday, January 11, 2007

Bar Exam Review

The official July 2006 stats are here. Summary:

Stanford 89%
UCLA and U$C 86%
Boalt 85%
Pepperdine 84%

People's College of the Law...0% out of 1 takers.

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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Same Old New

Well, you've heard the speech and the plan. If you have global thoughts on the issue, feel free to opine, but I thought I'd give different labels to different parts of the speech.

The good -- At least pretending to be open to alternatives

The bad -- Your son or daughter will now be going door to door in Sadr City.

The Surreal -- Iraqis have to do more.


UPDATE: Dick Durbin in 08!!! Thank God he spoke instead of Pelosi.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Some Time to Kill

While grades are set to come out any month now, what website (other than Bearfacts) do you visit during classes? I'm counting more and more people using gmail (and I certainly hope people have gotten around to forwarding their calmail to gmail). Here are two that I'm partial to.


Note: If you are not familiar with posting links in the comments, please read this helpful instruction on how to post links online.

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Gavel to Gavel

With grades due to come out within the next few months or so, I hereby present quotes by WF in last semester's Fed Courts class.


Student: "Oh I don’t want to make accusations against the Supreme Court."
WF: "Go ahead, that’s what we’re here for. "

WF: “If you weren’t getting enough cynicism, here is some more.”

WF: "There's a statute that authorizes a federal judge to hold court in Humbolt County, but the last judge to do that was Sam Conti who wanted to go fishing in Eureka."

WF: “Sometimes the Supreme Court makes bad law by accident. Sometimes they make bad law on purpose.”

WF: “What I’m suggesting in a cynical, slightly mean-spirited sort of way is that State judges are elected and they want to say the ‘devil’ that is the supreme court ‘made me do it.’”

WF: “The rule makes it citable, but it’s not precedential. You can cite it all you want. Tough luck. [jolly laugh].”

Student: “I didn’t get a chance to read the majority opinion.”
WF: “It’s a Douglas opinion, it wouldn’t have helped.”

WF: “Sometimes I’m grateful academics don’t write judicial opinions. That’s an ironic remark.”

WF: “The railroads were the 19th century equivalents of Al Davis.”

WF: “Judge Givens’ article came out first because THE STANFORD LAW REVIEW IS SOOOOO SLOOOOOOOW.”

WF: [What if I made copies of the course textbook and sold them to the students] “And then I wrote letter to Dick Fallon, Dan Metzer, and David Shapiro saying ‘Ha ha.’ And they sued me for copyright infringement. What then?”
Student: “Seriously?...well clearly you’re violating the copyright act.”
WF: “I’m not contesting that. That’s why I wrote the letter.”

WF: “The reason why Justice Scalia recused himself is because he made this same point in a public speech. This is not a public speech by the way. HAHAHAHAHAHA.”

WF: “You are wrongly attributing a sense of humor to Justice Frankfurter.”

WF: “Frankfurter is one of the tragic figures of the Supreme Court.”

WF: “This is a really wicked question, Miss _____”
Miss: “I thought you were going to be nice.”
WF: “I changed my mind.”

WF: “For those of you who read law stuff instead of murder mysteries.”

WF: “What are these animals thinking when they act from their gut to make these decisions.”

Student: “Would you start with the history or the modern state?”
WF: “’You can see a lot of things by observing.’”

WF: “In the Ninth Circuit we have a mediation division. If we get a hard case, we’ll tell the parties, ‘You know we have mediation downstairs, why don’t you go down there and talk for a while.’”

WF: “You now know more about the 11th Amendment than most federal judges…even though I’m working on the 11th Amendment today which I know about, tomorrow I’m working on bankruptcy which I don’t know anything about.”

WF: “He was described as Frankfurter without the mustard.”

WF: “I can’t say the Supreme Court is wrong, the Supreme Court is right by definition.”

WF: “White doesn’t tell you why.”
Student: “That’s my job now?”
WF: “Yeah. Too bad.”

WF: “I’m past the point in my life where I think they’ll fire me for bad evaluations.”

WF: “The California Supreme Court is quite content with passing its problem cases to us. We get a lot of abuse, but they can’t can us.”

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Monday, January 08, 2007

Some things that are really starting to piss DS off

DS's new year's resolution was to become more petty and bitter. He's doing a fine job of it.

Hopefully other 3Ls can answer some of DS's questions. What are our deadlines here: for both the bar exam itself and Barbri classes? As near as he can tell, there are four separate things we need to sign up for. Barbri review classes, the MPRE, the July bar exam itself, and the California Bar foundation application or whatever. Why doesn't Boalt have a nice little document somewhere telling us application dates and fees (obviously, Barbri info wouldn't be included here)? It just seems like a lot of 3Ls don't know what to do when, and this administration isn't helping.

DS doesn't understand why assigned class textbooks aren't available in the library reference section for limited checkout. Many students attend more classes than they'd like for the first week or so. Casebooks should be available on a 1-hour time limit for those students who would like to keep up with the reading, but who don't want to buy their books before they're committed to the class.

This has been a long-term gripe for DS. Why do students have to come to Boalt to get these assignments. Can't the professors email whoever is responsible for the bulletin board and simply post all assignments on the web? Better yet, why don't Boalt professors (and some do this) simply send out an email to the class with the assignment listed.
DS is taking a UC Hastings class this year, and displayed prominently on Hastings's front page in bright red font is a "First Class Assignments" link. At least one UC school knows how to run things.

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Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Metadata, formerly "Why Your Takehome Exams May Not Be Anonymous"

UPDATE: Holly Parrish writes in to add "Professors get hard copies of takehome exams." So, no metadata problems at Boalt Hall. And thank you for stopping by and reading the blog!


What, what, what?

That's right. Despite best efforts to use only exam numbers, your takehome exams are not anonymous. Find one of your takehome exams from last semester. On a Mac, examine the document in the Get Info box in the finder. This can be dome by clicking on the icon and pressing command-I. Once in that screen, examine the "More Info" tab. See the "Authors" field? Behold, your name.

What's going on? Microsoft Word appends "metadata" to every file. This has been the bane of e-discovery and the subject of many ethics opinions (John Steele's blog has discussed this over the months, for example, see discussion of Florida's ethics ruling. For more, search the blog for "metadata".). Included in that metadata is the author of the document, which the application assigns based on the registration of the copy of Microsoft Word. Every document you've made lists as the author whatever name the program is registered under. (a special problem if you registered your copy facetiously as "Darth Vader" or worse, registered a cracked version of the program with a name and serial number from the Internet)

[see UPDATE above. The Boalt Hall exam process does not allow professors access to digital copies, so they cannot get into the document's metadata.]

But the metadata problem has ramifications elsewhere. One group of people that does have the sophistication to exploit these traces of data are employers. While confidentiality obviously does not matter in the employment context, many employers will care if you're using pirated software (while doing research on piracy norms, I learned that around 1/3 of employers would have serious reservations about hiring someone they knew used illegal copies of software, music, or movies). The metadata gap allows them one avenue to check on your respect for copyright norms.

(In the legal practice context, the far more damaging metadata problem arises from the autosave feature in Word and Excel, as well as old track changes information. I don't know how to pry out this metadata, but the legal ethics cases all involve peeking into the documents to observe secrets that opposing counsel thought they had deleted)

Anyway, the bottom line is simply to be careful when sending around Word documents. Consider converting them to PDF files (the conversion process wipes out all metadata). [Fortunately, the Boalt Hall exam process does not require these steps.]

(I bet you didn't think you'd be reading about legal ethics or copyright law when you read the title of this post!)

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Which Tenured Boalt Faculty Still Publish Articles?

Have you ever found yourself asking just that question while sitting in class? Well, sometimes I do because as an economist, I'm curious how tenure affects incentives in real life. I also like spreadsheets.

[Just for the record, there was _nothing_ on TV tonight after the Warriors game.]

The survey results are very interesting. I've posted them here. I compiled the data from: Boalt's faculty website, HeinOnline's All Journals database, and HeinOnline's Most Cited Journals database.

The executive summary follows.

Boalt's champion tenured faculty member is Dan Farber. He has published the most pieces on average over the last ten years. He has also published the most pieces in "most cited" journals. He is averaging the most "most cited" pieces per year since graduating.

Boalt's young gun and runner up is John Yoo. Yoo nips at Farber's heels for pieces published per year over the last ten years (4.7 to 4.4). Yoo also has Boalt's third most "most cited" pieces overall, despite only being out of law school 15 years. (Eisenberg holds the number two spot) Yoo's average isn't near Farber's, but he'd be the clear MVP if Farber wasn't gunning. Quick conclusion: Farber & Yoo's tagteam for Constitution in the Early Republic will be terrifying & awesome.

Boalt's next prodigious faculty members are Andrew Guzman, Leti Volpp, and Rachel Moran. Guzman isn't publishing a huge number of pieces per year, but when he does, they almost always land in a top journal. Volpp and Moran are churning papers out (almost two per year each over the last ten years), but fewer land in the top journals.

Now that we've fleshed out Boalt's heavy hitters, who's got some 'splainin' to do?

Professors Bundy, Peterson, and Vetter have published zero pieces in the last ten years. When we expand the list to pieces in "most cited" journals in the last ten years, add Professors Kagan, Menell, and Shultz. Professor Caron has never published in a "most cited" journal. The Lifetime Underachievers (as I define them, averaging fewer than 1 piece in a "most cited" journal per decade since graduating law school) are Professors Caron, Krieger, and Vetter. On the brink of becoming lifetime underachievers are: Professors Peterson and Rakowski, both averaging just 1.1 "most cited" journal pieces per decade since graduation.

Feel free to parse the numbers and opine in the comments. Do note that we are still far away from creating a Fantasy Boalt Hall Faculty League. To do that, we need to add other relevant stats. I think we'd need units taught per year, casebooks/hornbooks/treatises published, adjustments for time off (Yoo's clerking, OLC work, Shelanski's FCC, White House work come to mind). We'd also want to count citations to published pieces to see whether some of these published articles are actually relevant.


1. I chose published articles because that is the signature responsibility of tenured faculty (contrast the position with lecturer in residence, professor emeritus, etc.). It also had the virtue of being (relatively) easy to measure.
2. I excluded muliple "law & _______" faculty because I did not think a HeinOnline survey would do them justice since it only catalogs law journals.
3. These numbers are intended purely for curiosity and/or Boalt Hall Faculty Fantasy Sports. I am not responsible for any other conclusions you draw.
4. There is no note 4.
5. Seriously. Nothing on TV. If anyone wants to lend me seasons 1, 2, or 3 of the Wire, please do!

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